Forgot my password


With your Keyano account, you'll have seamless access to all Keyano resources with just one simple sign-on (SSO). And to keep your account extra secure, we use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). This also allows you the power to change or reset your password without needing any help from an administrator or help desk. 

To recover your Keyano account, follow these steps:

  1. Attempt to sign in to your Keyano account. We recommend using a service like Keyano Mail by visiting this link:
    Make sure to enter your full email address on this login screen.
    If you are unsure what your email was, look through your personal email as we would have sent you your account details when it was first set up.
    Login Page for Keyano College. Use full email address when asked for username.
  2. At the next screen, click on the "Forgot my Password" link
    Screenshot showing link "Forgot my password"
  3. You may be prompted to enter some characters on the next screen. This prevents bots from attempting the reset of accounts.
    Screenshot showing stage where you need to recognize the text and enter in the characters visible. Audible options available
  4. From the options you have set up, you may need to provide your personal email or phone number where you can be reached at.
    Complete the two steps as needed. 
    Screenshot showing recovery options. There are two steps needed to complete verification.

  5. Set a new password. Make sure your new password is unique and meets requirements, you can find more details about creating a new password and our requirements here.
    Screenshot showing new password field with requirements. Minimum 12 characters long, with at least 1 number, 1 Upper case, 1 special character



And you are done.

If you're having trouble with your computer and think it might be related to the information in this article, don't worry! You can easily get help from the ITS department.

Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Find the "Request Service" button: It's located in the top left corner of the screen you're on right now.
  2. Fill out the form: Fill out the required information and describe the issue you're having with your computer.
  3. Submit the form: After you've filled out the form, click the submit button and your request will be sent to the ITS department.

It's that easy! The ITS department will receive your request and will work to resolve the issue as soon as possible. If you have any additional questions or concerns, you can reach out to the ITS department for further assistance.


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The Keyano user account allows students and staff to access resources like email, Moodle, Teams, VDI (Virtual Desktop) and other resources at the college.
The same credentials are also used to sign into the computers at the college.