KnowB4 - Policies and Training


KnowBe4 is a cybersecurity awareness training platform that helps organizations educate their employees about cybersecurity threats and provides tools for conducting simulated phishing attacks. It offers a variety of training modules to teach employees how to recognize and respond to common cyber threats. In addition to providing cybersecurity awareness training, KnowBe4's platform is also used by Keyano College to allow employees to view and agree to certain policies.

How-to Access KnowB4

  1. Open your web browser and go to
  2. Enter your Keyano email address and click the 'Next' button.
  3. Follow the prompts to log in and verify your account.
  4. Once you're logged in, you'll be able to see all the training and policies you need to complete.
  5. After you finish a training assignment (or agree to a policy), you'll see a 'completed' banner for that assignment.

You will be notified of new training and policies from (KnowBe4 <>) via email.
An example of a KnowB4 training email

You can also log in and view your assignments at any time. 

KnowB4 Phishing & Spam

ITS also uses the KnowB4 platform to allow users to report suspicious emails to us. If you receive an email that you believe is suspicious, click the 'Phish Alert Report' button that can be found in the top left corner of Microsoft Outlook (note, this method doesn't work for shared inboxes). 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)

More information about the difference between Spam and Phishing can be found here: 

If you are not using Outlook, or are checking your email via the web, you can also report suspicious emails here:

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Article ID: 5109
Wed 3/8/23 9:07 AM
Wed 3/8/23 9:35 AM