How do I Recover Deleted Files? (Local PC & Network Shares)


Where to check if you've accidentally deleted a file and how to recover them.


If you can't find a file on your computer or you accidentally deleted a file, you can check your local Recycle Bin. Alternatively (or if the file was on a network drive) you may be able to recover the document by checking for a previous version.

How-to restore a file from your local Recycle Bin

  1. Open the Recycle Bin (search in the Start Menu for it)
  2. Select the file or files that you need to restore
    (TIP: you can select multiple files by holding the CTRL key and clicking them)
    Recycle Bin - Right-click menu to restore a file
  3. Right-click them and select Restore, the file or folder will be restored to its original folder

How-to restore a network file by checking for previous versions

  1. Browse to the folder/location of the file(s) you are missing/deleted
  2. Click the Properties button, on the Home tab
    Windows 10 File Explorer - Home Tab & arrow indicating to click the Properties button
  3. Click the Previous Versions tab
    Properties Window - Previous Versions tab
  4. Look through the list of 'Folder versions' for a date/time when you knew the file(s)/folder(s) existed and select the one you're looking for by single-clicking on it
  5. Click the Restore button




Article ID: 4517
Fri 10/21/22 1:51 PM
Wed 2/5/25 9:52 PM