Outlook warning - Allow this website to configure settings


Do no click "Allow" on warning messages without reading the details first.



Users may see a warning from Outlook asking approval to update server settings from a website. All college devices have the outlook clients configured to the correct setting and accepting a change may break the outlook configuration or compromise user security.

Outlook warning requesting user to accept new configuration from a website.

Issue and Resolution

If you use Microsoft Outlook for email and you receive a prompt asking you to allow a website to reconfigure your server connection settings, you should think twice before clicking "Allow." By allowing a website to reconfigure your server connection settings, you could essentially be giving it access to your email account. This can be dangerous, as cybercriminals may use this access to steal your personal information, send spam or phishing emails, or even spread malware to your contacts.

If you are at the college and on a Keyano issued device, and are asked to to make this change, it could have happened because your computer has not finished connecting to the network. In which case, you should click "Cancel" and wait for a few minutes for your computer to finish connecting to the network. The error should not be displayed again once the computer has finished connecting.

If you are still unsure about this and continue to receive this message, reach out to the ITS Helpdesk through this portal.



Article ID: 5165
Tue 3/14/23 7:40 PM
Wed 3/15/23 11:49 AM